March 18st 2010

Well, I felt like I was doing well for a while, then my comp goes and poops out. So, spent days re-installing and restoring my programs and files. SO, I kinda have to chalk this week up as a loss.

March 10st 2010

Ugh. It's late again. If I advertized or asked for donations I would feel like a HUGE schmuck. I had some face issues that I was not able to rememdy.

March 1st 2010

Had a minor font crisis from the slightly unreadable one from last week, so, it changed again. The word bubbles behaved a lot better this week too. New sketch incentive too!

February 23th 2010

So, I tried to do a few new things. They ended up making the process take a lot longer because it was new to me, and I had to re-do it several times. Also, new forum button to the right, so if you have been wanting to comment, the time is now!

February 16th 2010

Oh no! what ever will Kaylie do?

February 10th 2010

You guessed it, another comic. Late, but I plan on making up for it with a Valentines themed sketch. It's kinda mushy, but not what ya'd think. Hope the week shapes up well for everyone!

February 1st 2010

Another comic! Here's to trying to have more this year than last!

December 22th 2009

It has been forever and a day since I posted an image. Finals and whatnot didn't help with it all, but I should be better than that. Here's to hoping I build a buffer before going back to school!

October 27th 2009

This Halloween's pic is totally unrelated to the comic. I got to thinking about how much I like the holiday, and wondered why someone might not like it. I came up with traumatized as a kid, so I drew this as an interpretation. Also, geocities just shut down this week, so i'm in the process of migrating some stuff over, which means that incentives are going to be down for a bit.